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Wanna Fish

Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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Location: Earth I Think

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No! I don't know your buddy! Nor do I really care.

The comment is my signature. Not a statement directed towards any individual. I do, although find it amusing that my signature and someone giggling at your flipping sticks would bother you. Your posts indicate a higher level of maturity than the idiots giggling.

I would have just giggeled back! And made some rude comment that would have taken them a minute to figure out. I was at Candlewood today. Some kid with a $60,000 ranger and a new Ford F150 4 Door decides to stop and tell me how much Candlewood sucks and so do all the lakes in Connecticut. Then tells me I should venture outa state and see what real fishing is all about. He finally caught on that I was being sarcastic on my 5th "Really?" The only word I used during the whole conversation.

It simply fascinates me the power of one word!

But! My comment "Really" was directed towards all the posters. I have a difficult time believing that your original post would have caused such an uproar. If all of us were as good or dedicated as those you speak of, none of us would be posting here in the first place. Now would we?

But that's enough on this topic. Buy better flippen sticks. The more they cost the less giggeling you'll get. Even if they catch just as many fish as my Rick Clunn $20 Dicks Flippen Stick.

Hey Peco! I rather enjoy your posts. One of the only things that keep me coming back to this site! I find them entertaining and rather enjoyable to read. Regardless of what lure you caught that 2 inch Perch on!
Don't hold your farts in! They travel up your spine to your brain and thats where shitty ideas come from.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

20 dollar flippin sticks,,LOL,,hey,, whatever works for ya,,Ugly sticks are awesome also,, I have rods for flipping 90.00 to G-loomis (lets leave the price out of it),, Its my favorite technique and its a zero or hero concept,,but overall thats what I do,,I fish the heaviest crap I could find,,, now if you dont really flip that much,,No,,I would still spend more than 20 dollars on a rod,, The guys who walked by my boat werent laughing at the rods,, they were laughing on how I was catching them with the flip,,With that said,, That person is on here and pmed me with an appology,, he told me it wasnt like that,but told me he had no idea on the technique,I am taking him out for some flipping,,So if your spending 20 dollars on rods,, GOOD LUCK.. I dont get why people bulge in and start crap,,if you see a post and dont like it,,Why the hell are you coming back and answering it,, Oh, wait,, Do you want to put that 20 dollar rod to a flippin bet,, I bet you mine catches more than yours,,and get this,, we will use my boat,, so I will put you on fish,,LOL,,and I will even let you pick the lake,,LOL,, or do you want me to show you Candy, where the real flippin is in Ct
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Wanna Fish

Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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Location: Earth I Think

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

,,if you see a post and dont like it,,Why the hell are you coming back and answering it,, Jim

Rather enjoy the bickering! LOL It's entertaining. Carl!

Key board Warriors. Go figure.

Don't like flipping jigs! I rather enjoy flipping whacky rigged Senkos! In all honesty, I have no need to compete at your level. I get just as much enjoyment outa catching nothing just as much as I get outa catching something. A Bamboo Rod would work just fine for me. LOL Walmart is actually selling them now.

And spend a lot less doing it. LOL

Besides every time you post I get an e-mail!
Don't hold your farts in! They travel up your spine to your brain and thats where shitty ideas come from.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jim, my problem with your posts is the contempt you show for recreational fishermen. I understand that you love flippin' and are crazy competitive, but the constant name calling and derogatory comments have gotten kind of old. Rolling Eyes As you know, the folks who post on this site are primarily recreational fishermen, not competitive fishermen. If you think recreational fishermen are all so silly, why the heck do you even visit the site?

I really don't feel like arguing with you or anyone else about this kind of crap. I'm just amazed that someone who dislikes feeling like he's being mocked so much that he posted about it is so eager to mock others.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why the hell do you come back and answer posts then,, you dont have to answer,,I dont get it,, there are times it seems you have to put your two cents in,,who cares,,I dont come back to posts where all you guys are answering, and all of you are wrong,, I dont care,, all I said was that I went fishing and 2 guys walked by the boat and giggled at the meat sticks,, I made it a point to get next to them and cross some eyes,,which I did,, now he wants me to take him out,,which I will, But its these wise comments that you and others come back with,,Had nothing to do with you or anybody except the gigglers,,I dont get it,,Im on and off on this sight,, its a joke,,you guys crack me up,,I always jump on for fishing amusement,, So keep leaving your wise comments,,,I will be sure to answer them,,Jim,,, and whos name calling,,I do realize that alot of people on this sight are recreational,,and most of them ask,,which is how people learn, Im no pro by far but I love compitition,,
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Wanna Fish

Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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Location: Earth I Think

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK! Lets bury the hatchet! I apologize if I offended you. I'll do it publicly and not through a PM.

I rather enjoy not knowing what I'm doing! It adds challenge to my day! If your willing to show me I'm more than willing to learn. It's a challenge for me to learn and I find that most experienced anglers are tight lipped. Even those in a club I belong to. I fished two years as a non boater and now have my own. I watched and learned. Now, with my own boat I'm holding my own. Losing first only by a pound or two.

I learn quick and find that most are intimidated by that. I always start with what I know and practice at the end.

We fished Candy today. I wasn't last and only lost first by 3 lbs.

So in ending the post is at the mercy of the interpretation of the reader. Unfortunately your not reading mine the way I meant it to be understood.

Don't hold your farts in! They travel up your spine to your brain and thats where shitty ideas come from.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:00 am    Post subject: I laugh at them . . . Reply with quote

Even though I don't flip I certainly know it is a highly productive big fish catching method. Way to go! I laugh at them for not know that.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

flippy wrote:
Why the hell do you come back and answer posts then,, you dont have to answer,,I dont get it,, there are times it seems you have to put your two cents in,,who cares,,I dont come back to posts where all you guys are answering, and all of you are wrong,, I dont care,, all I said was that I went fishing and 2 guys walked by the boat and giggled at the meat sticks,, I made it a point to get next to them and cross some eyes,,which I did,, now he wants me to take him out,,which I will, But its these wise comments that you and others come back with,,Had nothing to do with you or anybody except the gigglers,,I dont get it,,Im on and off on this sight,, its a joke,,you guys crack me up,,I always jump on for fishing amusement,, So keep leaving your wise comments,,,I will be sure to answer them,,Jim,,, and whos name calling,,I do realize that alot of people on this sight are recreational,,and most of them ask,,which is how people learn, Im no pro by far but I love compitition,,
hahahha who the fuck do you think you are? ooooh you know how to fish humps...oh my ass, you should be on bassmaster because you don't use senkos, oohhhhhhh I use lommis rods I must be fucking god, FLIPPING is easier than throwing a stupid senko, get gripp and no one cares if u have a lommis rod... u prlly cant cast it for shit
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here we go,,I didnt say anything about a pro,,funny how you pop out of the woodwork,, all I was saying was that there is talk about techniques that crack me up.. I just dont flip, there mothball,,I fish all kinds of techniques you donkey,,I have nothing against senkos,, heck I even make them,,and I throw them on occasion,,here we go somebody else to be big and talk a bunch of crap,,Please,,,Oh and hey mothball,, I have done BASS Weekend series,NEBA,CBF, I dont mean to come across as a hot crap pro,,I am not,, I wouldnt be here,,, and another thing mothball,, Watch your typing,kids read this!!!,,, I was explaining rods,, yes I have all different kinds,,And pros do use senkos or copycats of them,,So calm down,, stick to your saltwater,,,Jim
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Location: Avon, CT

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

See Jim? Disrespect breeds more disrespect. Confused

I know it's hard to tell from this crappy discussion, Amotha, but I don't disagree with Jim about the effectiveness of flippin'. I often throw lures over and around weedbeds and say, "I bet Jim would pull fish outta that!" He has fishing skills that I don't. And that you don't have either, probably. Wink My problem is with the disrespectful tone of the discussion. It would really be nice if it were to stop. There's so much to learn and too little time to be wasting time on crap like this.
Don't forget to wear sunscreen and don't litter!
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Joined: 05 May 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Come on over to the Saltwater. We're far more civilized, and all of our fish are bigger! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Amotha wrote:
hahahha who the fuck do you think you are? ooooh you know how to fish humps...oh my ass, you should be on bassmaster because you don't use senkos, oohhhhhhh I use lommis rods I must be fucking god, FLIPPING is easier than throwing a stupid senko, get gripp and no one cares if u have a lommis rod... u prlly cant cast it for shit

haha you my friend are a tool. What the hell are you even talking about. A senko is perfect for an amateur fisherman and thats why so many people use it. Flipping is A LOT harder than throwing a senko.
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Bluegill Terminator

Joined: 03 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Agree with x182dan flipping is much harder but much more rewarding than chucking a senko. I still to this day have not thrown a senko I don't have the patience. Maybe my flipping coach had something to do with that Laughing
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

flippy wrote:
Here we go,,I didnt say anything about a pro,,funny how you pop out of the woodwork,, all I was saying was that there is talk about techniques that crack me up.. I just dont flip, there mothball,,I fish all kinds of techniques you donkey,,I have nothing against senkos,, heck I even make them,,and I throw them on occasion,,here we go somebody else to be big and talk a bunch of crap,,Please,,,Oh and hey mothball,, I have done BASS Weekend series,NEBA,CBF, I dont mean to come across as a hot crap pro,,I am not,, I wouldnt be here,,, and another thing mothball,, Watch your typing,kids read this!!!,,, I was explaining rods,, yes I have all different kinds,,And pros do use senkos or copycats of them,,So calm down,, stick to your saltwater,,,Jim
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Joined: 09 Nov 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bluegill Terminator wrote:
Agree with x182dan flipping is much harder but much more rewarding than chucking a senko. I still to this day have not thrown a senko I don't have the patience. Maybe my flipping coach had something to do with that Laughing
I highly disagree...also how would you know if you just stated that you've never thrown a senko?? idiot... I throw jigs almost as much as anything else, you pitch it at some type of structure, pick it up one or twice and throw it onto the next piece of cover EASYYYYYY
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