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Joined: 21 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


That's OK! -> But if you where in need of help -> I'd be there .... for anyone !

That my dear fellow is the difference between you and I !
It's called the measure of a man!

Doing yourself or agreeing with anyone that says they will break the law, trespass private property, fish private waters illegally, admits to being a POACHER ......Well -> I and others have voiced our feelings here and find such actions/agreements dispicable, outrageous, disgusting, and offensive.

Anyone that does those things and publicly admits to doing so, only hurts the sport we enjoy, causes further distrust by private property owners, and mars the image of honest respectful Sportspersons!

This forum is here to be helpful and informative to fellow fishermen, Plus to enhance our sport in a positive light.

NOT! .... To advertise or boast about doing wrongful actions and deeds and think it's fun or funny!

Please enjoy your swim in the pool of decite and bovine excrement with others that have similar odious views Exclamation Razz

Best regards,

PS: Thanks again for the AH compliments Exclamation Very Happy

Last edited by SeaDog1 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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perfect hook set

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poacher - One who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another.....

Though I thought the laws were different when it came to water rights on and around a public lake res pond etc..

This should not be in the lake report section...
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi phs,

You can still be a Poacher on public lakes, res., ponds, streams, rivers, and saltwater... if you don't comply with the posted rules for fish limits and size.

Access and rights to waters is a more difficult question to answer -> Best to always check with the DEEP or Town Hall where the water(s) in question is.
It's the only way to be sure your not in violation.

The fish limits and size rules are plainly stated in the Ct. Anglers Guide for both fresh and saltwater !

You know it boggles the mind why so many people don't get and have one with them when going fishing ....-> And its FREE Exclamation

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perfect hook set

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know

I just posted a short definition of poacher found on answers.com =P
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SeaDog1 wrote:
Hi phs,

You know it boggles the mind why so many people don't get and have one with them when going fishing ....-> And its FREE Exclamation


Because the dang DEP or DEEP wont print the dang thing out!!!! Bwaaa haaa haaa Sorry, had to go there. Im been known to accidentally not read the rules good enough to follow them as you and another noticed for me earlier this year on the naugy but I do try. I do have last years guide in my car, its just to bad Im not smart enough to study the whole book word for word and see that in another area for the same spot that says I can fish it until so and so says in the other area I can only use this or that lure.
There's a fine line between fishing....

and standing on the shore like an idiot!
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perfect hook set

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

he usually uses it for reading material when hes squatting in the woods =P
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fishfinder wrote:
Because the dang DEP or DEEP wont print the dang thing out!!!! Bwaaa haaa haaa Sorry, had to go there. Im been known to accidentally not read the rules good enough to follow them as you and another noticed for me earlier this year on the naugy but I do try. I do have last years guide in my car, its just to bad Im not smart enough to study the whole book word for word and see that in another area for the same spot that says I can fish it until so and so says in the other area I can only use this or that lure.

I've had a few brain farts, too, usually involving the Farmington River. Right Dawg? Laughing I have to admit, though, that I've been exchanging emails with the DEEP regarding my last trip to the pond I accessed from a section of the Farmington that's closed to fishing. I'm still waiting for a definitive ruling on whether I actually committed a violation. Confused
Don't forget to wear sunscreen and don't litter!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know nothing!! Laughing
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Passinthru Outdoors

Joined: 22 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seadog1, I disagree with your "birds of a feather" argument. Just because someone is willing to risk a trespassing charge for a shot at very large bass doesn't mean they're lacking integrity, unsportsmanlike, criminals, or whatever. It could just mean they have a hard time rejecting a potentially productive fishing opportunity.

I love it well people try to weasel their way out of something by claiming trespassing doesn't make me unsportsmanlike, a criminal or lacking integrity. ummm, actually it does..

Knowingly trespassing does make you a criminal, unsportsmanlike like and yup lacking integrity. Just as breaking the speed limit does. Everyone has pushed the rules to see how far they can get away with it, even if it was just the rules of mom and dad but we are not talking about sneaking out of the house, or staying out late. We are talking about trespassing on someones property, knowingly and without care. Doesn't matter if you picked up your trash or not. This is one of the reason most people don't let people hunt, fish or hike their property because people DON'T CARE.

I know a landowner that was walking his property in Jan one year. He found a truck he didn't recognize with open gun cases in the truck. He called Encon and his BEST friend was arrested for hunting out of season. Guess who hunted this guys land after that - yup, no one. He even threw his own brother in law off the property because of this. He was sick to his stomach over this and decided no one gets to use his land but him now.

Go knock on the landowners door. offer to clean up around the pond, drop by with a card or some other offering maybe some fish you caught or some baked goods. Do this and you will have all the fishing you could ever want, maybe not today but you will need. offer to help around the yard, farm, whatever.

That land owner I mentioned above is back to letting folks hunt is land and the reason is the commitment made to him and his land to treat it better then if it was their own. I know this because I was the first person to contact the landowner after this mess and I ended up asking questions and suggesting answers and I had and still have all rights to hunt his property. No one gets on without going through the rest of us that hunt it. There are 10 of us that hunt it and he is elated with us and what we have done for him. His brother in law still doesn't hunt the land. Lesson learned.
“Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.” Mark Twain

Visit my Blog at: www.passinthruoutdoors.blogspot.com
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perfect hook set

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I cast toward a dock, catch the dock, reach from the boat (touching the dock) to unhook my lure, would this be considered trespassing or be considered illegal in anyway
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Passinthru Outdoors wrote:
Seadog1, I disagree with your "birds of a feather" argument. Just because someone is willing to risk a trespassing charge for a shot at very large bass doesn't mean they're lacking integrity, unsportsmanlike, criminals, or whatever. It could just mean they have a hard time rejecting a potentially productive fishing opportunity.

I love it well people try to weasel their way out of something by claiming trespassing doesn't make me unsportsmanlike, a criminal or lacking integrity. ummm, actually it does..

Knowingly trespassing does make you a criminal, unsportsmanlike like and yup lacking integrity. Just as breaking the speed limit does. Everyone has pushed the rules to see how far they can get away with it, even if it was just the rules of mom and dad but we are not talking about sneaking out of the house, or staying out late. We are talking about trespassing on someones property, knowingly and without care. Doesn't matter if you picked up your trash or not. This is one of the reason most people don't let people hunt, fish or hike their property because people DON'T CARE. .


Glad you pipe up on this subject!

What is most disturbing is the fact that some people actually posted publicly here on the forum that they do violate private property and do things illegally.

Why would anyone ...."Anyone!" ... openly admit to such shameful and disgusting conduct and advertise to everyone publicly that they are proud of doing such or find it funny!

Yes! This forum is here to help, inform, and promote our sport and good responsible sportsmanship!

These characters that indulge in such dispicable acts of conduct might as well hang a sign around their neck proclaiming -> "Hey everybody I'm a law breaker and POACHER"!.
It is, in my opinion, with utter disbelief that ... "Anyone" ... would want to bring such shame and disgrace upon themselves!

They hurt this forum and all responsible sportpersons -> Yet most of all they hurt themselves with their admissions of guilt -> Then get angry because the honest responsible sportspersons bring them to account and show them up for what they really are.

If they want to get angry -> They should look in a mirror because the real guilty party is starring right back at them Exclamation

Personally -> I care to not associate with such individuals of low character and integrity !

Some time ago, as a younger man, I had a nice relationship with a farmer that had a wild Brook Trout stream running thru his property -> asked and got permission and would always leave a few trout for him and his wife.
Always got invited back Exclamation Very Happy

Best regards,
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perfect hook set

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"I don't like your attitude Mr."
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Joined: 09 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've admitted to totally disregarding those silly "park closes at sunset" signs. And those ponds where you're supposed to be 16 or under to fish? You already know. My conduct doesn't change once the sun is below the horizon or when I happen to have a birthday; it's not fair to assume that I'm going to start being inconsiderate/irresponsible at pre-determined times. It's not that I don't care; it's more like I don't agree.

When it comes to actual trespassing, I do draw an imaginary, yet ultimately irrelevant line between what I assume to be individually-owned and business-owned property. I'm not walking through anyone's backyard or fishing residential areas. No individual deserves to have their privacy invaded where they live. Business private property is a bit different for me. Their rules mainly exist to preserve the beauty of the property and reputation of their business. I understand that they don't want questionable people using up their available parking, littering, making noise, possibly scaring potential patrons away, or depleting their pond of bass. Can't say I blame them. Does that make it fine for me to access their property at midnight for my own private topwater bass extravaganza? Probably not. OK...no. But I definitely don't interfere with the running of the business, steal anything, or leave evidence that anyone was ever there. As far as unsportsmanlike criminal pond trespassers go, I'm the best case scenario.

Oddly enough, I wouldn't hesitate to contact a landowner if I saw something resembling shady unauthorized activity on private property.

*~ "Not everything about fishing is noble, reasonable and sane..." -Henry Middleton ~*
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PECo wrote:
fishfinder wrote:
Because the dang DEP or DEEP wont print the dang thing out!!!! Bwaaa haaa haaa Sorry, had to go there. Im been known to accidentally not read the rules good enough to follow them as you and another noticed for me earlier this year on the naugy but I do try. I do have last years guide in my car, its just to bad Im not smart enough to study the whole book word for word and see that in another area for the same spot that says I can fish it until so and so says in the other area I can only use this or that lure.

I've had a few brain farts, too, usually involving the Farmington River. Right Dawg? Laughing I have to admit, though, that I've been exchanging emails with the DEEP regarding my last trip to the pond I accessed from a section of the Farmington that's closed to fishing. I'm still waiting for a definitive ruling on whether I actually committed a violation. Confused

It's not a violation in my book unless you were trout fishing. Plus you didn't catch anything. But of course, they don't use my book when ruling on these matters Wink
Never give up!
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Joined: 21 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TurtleKiss wrote:
I've admitted to totally disregarding those silly "park closes at sunset" signs. And those ponds where you're supposed to be 16 or under to fish? You already know. My conduct doesn't change once the sun is below the horizon or when I happen to have a birthday; it's not fair to assume that I'm going to start being inconsiderate/irresponsible at pre-determined times. It's not that I don't care; it's more like I don't agree.

When it comes to actual trespassing, I do draw an imaginary, yet ultimately irrelevant line between what I assume to be individually-owned and business-owned property. I'm not walking through anyone's backyard or fishing residential areas. No individual deserves to have their privacy invaded where they live. Business private property is a bit different for me. Their rules mainly exist to preserve the beauty of the property and reputation of their business. I understand that they don't want questionable people using up their available parking, littering, making noise, possibly scaring potential patrons away, or depleting their pond of bass. Can't say I blame them. Does that make it fine for me to access their property at midnight for my own private topwater bass extravaganza? Probably not. OK...no. But I definitely don't interfere with the running of the business, steal anything, or leave evidence that anyone was ever there. As far as unsportsmanlike criminal pond trespassers go, I'm the best case scenario.

Oddly enough, I wouldn't hesitate to contact a landowner if I saw something resembling shady unauthorized activity on private property.


Why do you persist in adding further damage to your name and reputation as a sportswoman by trying to justify your actions with illogical logic !

Bottom line is -> Trespassing is Trespassing (in any form) and Fishing Illegally is Fishing Illegally per the Law .......Period Exclamation

Enough said !

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