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Viewing Topic: Spring Pond 07/25
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Joined: 06 Oct 2009
Posts: 5203
Location: Avon, CT

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 8:10 pm    Post subject: Spring Pond 07/25 Reply with quote

I took my kayak over to Spring Pond and fished it from noon to 5:00 pm. The air was cool and the sky was completely overcast. It felt like it was about to rain the entire time I was on the water. I didn't check the water temperature, but it was extremely murky. I couldn't see down more than one foot. The pond is very eutrophic. There's a lot less weed than I expected, and what little there is was mostly decaying and/or covered in algal slime. Yuck!

I began by throwing a five-inch crawfish jig as I worked my way to the northwest corner. I didn't get even a nibble for 45 minutes, but then felt a tap-tap and set the hook on a largemouth bass. At least, I thought that I set the hook, because after it surfaced and showed me that it was at least a three pounder, it spit the jig. Argh!

I wanted to fish the deeper water at the edge the shallow spawning flat, but couldn't tell where it was, so I worked my way along the north shore to the northeast corner. Nada.

In desperation, I tied on a wacky-rigged five-inch Senko and worked my way back to the northwest corner. Nope.

I tried throwing a Zoom Horny Toad over the general area of the edge of the spawning flat, but didn't get even a swirl. Geez!

Finally, I tied on a four-inch four-inch crawfish jig, and headed across and down to the middle of the east bank, and circled the south island and south cove. In the south cove, the jig got picked up by a dink largemouth bass, but after I pulled it to the surface, it spit the jig. WTF!

I made one more circle of the south island while throwing the five-inch crawfish jig, before I headed off the water totally defeated. I guess that I'll have to try fishing a larger, deeper lake, tomorrow.
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