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Jay B

Joined: 29 Mar 2012
Posts: 43

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:04 pm    Post subject: Anybody else having a tough season? Reply with quote

Is anybody else out there having a rough season? I have been fishing highland lake a few times a week and feel like the bite has been off from last season. Flipping in the weeds has produced fish, but not like last season. Went to bantam lake today and spoke to a guy that was saying he has had a tough time finding a steady bite. For me, the bite has been up and down. It just seams like something is different from past seasons. The water temp at bantam was 72 degrees and that seemed cool for this time of year. Any thoughts or feedback?
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Wanna Fish

Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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Location: Earth I Think

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe most would agree this year is very different then years past. By now the top water bite at dusk and sunrise should be off the hook. They should be banging whacky rigs and jigs. This year drop shotting has been most productive for me but less than years past.

Water temps should be in the upper 80's and barely reached 80 for a week in June.

I have found that electronics and finding bait in deep water has turned it around for me. Deep I mean in 20 FOW. Finding the "Outside" weed line has been most productive for me. But you need to know how to read the electronics. If you find the weed edge, 15fow then most of the outside edge in that area will be the same. If you can find eel grass even better yet.

I normally adjust my technique to the season but this year it seems to be six weeks behind.

Smaller lakes are fishing much more differently than larger lakes. I've found finesse fishing very slow has increased my catch. Big Jigs in deep weeds have been producing some nice fish but it's slow.

If you find fish don't leave them to find more. If you find them in the 12/14" range then most in that area will be the same size. If your looking for bigger move around until you find the size.
Don't hold your farts in! They travel up your spine to your brain and thats where shitty ideas come from.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
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Location: Bridgeport

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Last year at this time I was having a grand time with evening topwater at Twin Brooks. This year it's been very slow.

Many fishermen have told me that due to the winter we had and the way March and April were, many things in fishing and the environment are 3 to 6 weeks behind.
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Wanna Fish

Joined: 30 Jan 2012
Posts: 662
Location: Earth I Think

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've out a few times since I posted. The top water bite is early am but once the sun comes up it shuts off like a light switch. My top water spooks with a white buck tail are drawing a lot of attention but the bass aren't nailing it. They're swiping the rear buck tail treble and getting snagged under the jaw. I switched to a Pop R which is smaller and slower retrieve and the catch rate has improved dramatically.

The whack rig senko and small jig bite is improving. I've found large boulders and hammer them with both. Seems like you have to work a lot harder for the catch.

My live wells have very little craw fish or regurgitated alewives in them at the end of the day. The alewives I have found are small. Same with the craws.

Seems that this year the bass have downsized they're prey. The drop shot is working well on a slow and patient presentation.
Don't hold your farts in! They travel up your spine to your brain and thats where shitty ideas come from.
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