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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
Posts: 3823
Location: Bridgeport

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:56 pm    Post subject: Seaside Park 8/11 Reply with quote

High tide for Black Rock was scheduled for 2:59pm and NWS was calling for SW winds throughout the afternoon and evening.

Arrived at the Fayerweather Island jetty around 1:30pm as the tide was coming in. Wind was a steady 10mph southwest with skies mostly sunny.

Lures I tried throwing were original pearl shad Flat Rap FLR-10, glass ghost Clackin Minnow CNM-11, blue sardine Saltwater X-Rap SXR-10, Storm Jointed Minnow Stick, and mullet Saltwater Rattlin Rapala SRNR-8. None produced anything so I knew it was time for the silver shad Jointed Shallow Shad Rap JSSR-7.

First cast out there with the JSSR-7 and I land a sea robin. Saw a few chunkers landing only sea robins. Landed a total of 5 sea robins with the JSSR-7 before the bite died half hour before peak high.

Headed out to Fayerweather Island to find no action.

Worked my way back to the West Beach parking lot as I casted from the jetty but had no luck.

Went to the rocky stretch with no luck.

Got to Breezy Point to find lots of chunkers. Other than sea robins, 2 tailors and 1 short fluke were landed by them. I never got a single hit on lures that could get down to the fish.

Last stop was Remington and it was just snappers.

Hit the road just before 5pm.

Snappers I saw being caught were no bigger than 6". I'm gonna give it another week or 2 before targeting them.
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Joined: 24 Jun 2013
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Michael , I admire your unrelenting effort and passion for fishing so don't take this the wrong way but you really need to start fishing somewhere else the western sound is a deadzone after june . Find someone with a boat or go on a charter. Or if there is room on my boat I will take you and get you into some stripers.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
Posts: 3823
Location: Bridgeport

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jigger wrote:
Michael , I admire your unrelenting effort and passion for fishing so don't take this the wrong way but you really need to start fishing somewhere else the western sound is a deadzone after june . Find someone with a boat or go on a charter. Or if there is room on my boat I will take you and get you into some stripers.

It's tough with me having no car. I've posted asking for fishing partners and I'd be willing to pitch in for gas if they'd take me out on their boat but I never get any offers or I get 1 or 2 offers that end up not going though. Sad
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