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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
Posts: 3823
Location: Bridgeport

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:43 pm    Post subject: Slow at Seaside 6/20 Reply with quote

After waking up late Wednesday and hardly feeling tired overnight, I decided to head down to Seaside Park Thursday morning. High tide for Bridgeport was scheduled for 8:59am and got to the Fayerweather jetty around 5:45am.

Lures I played with included original pearl shad Flat Rap FLR-10, glass ghost Clackin Minnow CNM-11, chrome Skitter Pop SP-9, stainless steel blue mullet Saltwater Skitter Pop SSP-9, 3/4 ounce Krocodile, 3/8 ounce Krocodile, shad Shallow Shad Rap SSR-9, blue sardine Saltwater X-Rap SXR-10, mullet Saltwater Rattlin Rapala SRNR-8, speckled trout Saltwater Skitter Walk SSW-11, and 4" Berkley Havoc Subwoofer rigged on a 3/4 ounce Hurricane jighead.

I couldn't go too far out on the jetty and farther to the island because of a big mosquito hatch due to all the rain. Fayerweather Island is "mosquito land" when you have enough rain. Last year there was hardly any out there due to it being dry.

Nothing happened on the Black Rock Harbor side of the jetty. On the opposite side I was starting to see a few swirls and splashes here and there with smaller bait that seemed to be silversides jumping out of the water. The fish would come and go and couldn't get to them most of the time even if I threw the heavier metal out there. Whenever I got in the zone I never had a single hit.

Eventually caught a sea robin with the Berkley and had a soft bump on the smaller Kroc.

Once tide got high and started to turn, things died.

Checked out the boat ramp and gave it a few casts with nothing. Also worked the rocky stretch and Breezy Point with no luck.

Last stop was Remington just to see what the action was like. A chunker caught a striper but had no other hits so I decided not to bother.

Hit the road around 10:45am.

When I stopped at Remington I saw the chunker kept his small catch. I was talking to the only other fisherman there who said he's from Florida and doesn't fish CT much, which made me wonder if he had an out of state license.

Kept my mouth shut about rules and regs so once I got back to the parking area I called the local game warden on his cell. Within 5 minutes he was there and the 2 fishermen were still fishing. That's when I hit the road and left the rest t the officer.
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Joined: 28 May 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you got balls micheal!! Smile
got cussed out a couple of times in westport and a old lady(with her grandson) gave me the "finger" at seaside about six weeks ago Shocked
all because i kept throwing the schoolies' back and wouldn't give them the fish! they took it VERY PERSONAL Shocked Shocked Shocked
some individuals were downright hostile!!!
fishing wasn't like THIS back in the day Sad
just like you i keep my mouth shut now and i DON"T night fish when they're around Sad
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Joined: 08 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GOOD FOR YOU! You're not alone on that one.Been there done that.All I'm going to say is "You better not let me see you keeping fish in a catch & release area."

Leeway and elbow room.There's plenty of water to fish!


"If we concentrated on the really important stuff in life,there'd be a shortage of fishing poles."
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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

2 or 3 years ago around the same time of year at the same spot I saw a fisherman keeping a short fluke.

Called the TIPS line from the parking area, waited for the warden to arrive, and gave him a description of the fisherman before I hit the road.
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al 4

Joined: 20 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

not trying to be rude at all but you do need to tell someone they are in the wrong BEFORE you call the DEP on them. some people just dont know better. at which point you educate someone to the fact that they do need a permit and their are regulations to what they can keep go to town
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Joined: 28 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find it very hard to believe that adults don't know or don't find out regulations on fish and fish sizes. Kids maybe... But adults. Some just dont care.
"Come after Me, and i will make you to become fishers of men"

Can i be a fisher of fish too?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

anointed130 wrote:
I find it very hard to believe that adults don't know or don't find out regulations on fish and fish sizes. Kids maybe... But adults. Some just dont care.

This. People are just straight up lazy, selfish and ignorant. Seems to be an ever increasing theme now a days.
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Joined: 28 May 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i actually did a follow up post saturday...then deleted it(didn't want to get into any "debates") but now... i figure i might as well put it out there.
my towncar has been keyed twice since my first post! GEE...what a coincedence!!!! this was exactly what i hoping to avoid.
micheal did the right thing! but in the future it might be best if he was somewhat vague... as to the when,where and who.
any of you guys ever had a "don't i know you from somewhere moment"????
i did!!!
i wont get into specifics..but i "NOW"have a pretty good idea why the car got keyed.
i know "NOW" where the individual(s) works..restaurant right next door to me!! Shocked Shocked FIFTEEN FEET FROM WHERE I PARKED THE CAR!!!
all i need to do now is somehow figure out which one(s) is responsible Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
doing the "RIGHT" thing can get downright expensive.in my case it's a company car so it didn't cost ME a dime and most of the damage was compounded out! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
i"m hoping my "AMIGOS" have had their fun and have moved on...
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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
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Location: Bridgeport

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

al 4 wrote:
not trying to be rude at all but you do need to tell someone they are in the wrong BEFORE you call the DEP on them. some people just dont know better. at which point you educate someone to the fact that they do need a permit and their are regulations to what they can keep go to town

I've gotten plenty saying to me "who made you boss?" and "well then why isn't there a sign here?".
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Joined: 06 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

al 4 wrote:
not trying to be rude at all but you do need to tell someone they are in the wrong BEFORE you call the DEP on them. some people just dont know better. at which point you educate someone to the fact that they do need a permit and their are regulations to what they can keep go to town

I often give people whom I see violating rules or regulations the benefit of the doubt and simply talk with them, but have absolutely no duty to do so before calling the proper authorities. As others have said, the first response of the ignorant when confronted by their ignorance is often hostility. Michael did the right thing by calling the local Conservation Officer.
Don't forget to wear sunscreen and don't litter!
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