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Joined: 18 May 2012
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 10:13 am    Post subject: Lake Saltonstall \ Maltby Lakes Reply with quote

Hit Saltonstall on friday 5/25 and did well on the southwest side of the lake fishing along the west shorline where the dropoff is big. We were using 5" Yamamoto green pumpkin w black flake and fishing them between the shore and the weedline; also pulling them directly from the weedline. The fish were hitting them after a long soak on the overcast day. Totaled 13 largemouth between 2 people and lost 3, all fish were really good size. Saw a couple of guys trolling with no luck. Fished the north side of the lake the week before and didn't produce nearly as many fish, seems like the south west side is the place to be.

Went to Malbty on 5/24 and saw some huge bass trolling the shore from the top of a rock overhang. Dropped 5" green pumpkin senko down and caught two 12" bass and had to horse them all the way up a 15ft dropoff. There are definately some LARGE bass in the lower lake, you can walk the shoreline past the pumphouse until you get to the first large rock bluff. The water gets deeper there and has some nice rock cover.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Big bass at maltby? really?

I used to fish there often and never caught anything big. Most bass are similar in size, less than 2lbs. I'll have to try again.

You said the lower lake? Where is there a drop off? I fish that one a lot and havent come across a large drop off. Do you mean the middle lake with the pump station?

Good to hear you did well at saltonstall. I just came back from there and got a few mid size bass from shore. The milfoil is really starting to fill in and its becoming more difficult to get in there to catch them, they are all buried in those weeds.
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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The lower lake closest to the parking lot, walk the shore past the little brick house and you'll come up on a rock structure that overlooks the lake. Was back there today and saw another decent size bass crusing the shore. Couldn't get him to bite on any of the plastics I was using. Saw a big catfish swim up as well, didn't even think of fishing for them but may have to go back with two poles next time and see if I can land one.
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Wanna Fish

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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shaneomack wrote:
The lower lake closest to the parking lot, walk the shore past the little brick house and you'll come up on a rock structure that overlooks the lake. Was back there today and saw another decent size bass crusing the shore. Couldn't get him to bite on any of the plastics I was using. Saw a big catfish swim up as well, didn't even think of fishing for them but may have to go back with two poles next time and see if I can land one.

That would be Res #3. They just stocked 2 and 3 with catfish.
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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah that's the middle lake, that drains into an even lower. I walked around the other side and found some great spots, even a bridge out to the island but I didn't catch anything.

I have caught a lot of bass in all three lakes just nothing worth mentioning.
I wonder if they have ever electro shocked the lakes to see th average size

The worm tossers there are slobs. So much garbage left on the shore.
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Wanna Fish

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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The lowest one is #1. There are some decent size bass in there if your willing to use a penetrating jig and fight the weeds. It's a work out down there.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The weeds can be a serious problem..
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just wanted to say thanks for the spot. I got a nice one on a wacky rigged senko and another decent one on a perch crankbait. I've never really fished that side of that lake much.

Im going to walk way around to the far end, doesnt get nearly the fishing pressure and maybe thats where the big bass are holding up.

I hope that wasnt you that left all that trash on the rocks! I dont thinks so, bass fisherman are usually pretty good with that stuff. The guys who come to drink and throw bobbers leave a mess. Im sick of cleaning them up. They really need to start cracking down on that, have some patrols or at least someone checking permits/licenses.

oh well.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No problem. I seem to have the most luck on a wacky rig but the last time i went out I was dropping the worms right in front of some decent size bass and they were swimming right by it.

That location in the lake is pretty deep since it butts up against the rocks so you don't have to worry about as many weeds.

Def wasn't me with the trash, makes me sick when I see people who are too lazy to bring a trash bag with them. Its even worse near the entrance along the shoreline.

Next time I'm over there I'm bringing some chicken livers and going after the large channel cat I saw.
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Wanna Fish

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hit Maltby #2 today and stayed to the front side. Fifth cast hit one well over the 12/16" Slot length. Lost it about 5 feet from shore. Real fighter and a beauty in the water. Landed four more 12/16 inchers in the next two hours. Decided to throw 10 more casts then hit the road. About the third cast I got a hit from a rod bender. Considering I use a M/H Mojo Stick it was something big. Felt like a log. Never got it to shore so I'm assuming it was a cat.

Used Watermelon w/Red Flake 5" on a Whacky Rig all the time I was there. I was using circle hooks #02 which I think were the problem setting the hooks on the two big ones. The small ones hooked just fine.

As far as the garbage goes. I think someone went through and cleaned up. There wasn't much at all on #2.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:00 pm    Post subject: circle hooks Reply with quote

had the same issue with circle hooks...I lost something HUGE, as well either a Cat or Snapping turtle...also surfaced a few bass that "threw" the hook....now when i Wacky Worm i use size 5 -6 Gamagatsu Octopus hooks......and i DONT lose fish...a big bass can spit/throw those tiny circles...just my 2 cents
Success Favors the Brave..........
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Wanna Fish

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah! My Circle Hooks found a new home. LOL! I just bought a new Shamano Caenen 101 Bait Caster and just stopped by to test it out. Wasn't expecting the hits I got there.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmmm. sounds like the bass are doing better at the Malt. All the bass I caught there previous years were small and thin. Caught a few decent ones this season.

I usually fish #3 (or whatever one the lowest one is) There is a good spot if you walk the trail a bit. I always catch bass there, just small ones.

The bigger ones have come out of lake #2 though, thought that lake was heavily fished and stayed away. Guess not. The good thing about the worm tossers is that while some of them may leave a mess, the bass usually stay away from their bobber touching swivel touching hook with worm setup Wink
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Wanna Fish

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The whacky rig is working exceptionally well in res #2. I cast it, let it hit bottom then twitch it back off the bottom. All my hits came off the bottom and not on the fall. Most of the hits were very subtle and I didn't know I had a fish on till I started to reel back.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Did you go out today? You must have been the guy on the opposite side. I was the one who crossed that makeshift floating stick bridge to try to find some good fish.

Maybe I'll try that side next time. I got a 4lbish bass off that 1st rock after the cement wall.

Today, I got 3 all day. (almost 6 hrs) and it was a while between them. They were small too. I had a few hits..... and a few nibbles. must have been some confidant bluegill.
They must be spawning, they were EVERYWHERE!

That island has a nice rocky drop and you can hit the outside of the weedline from it. I thought I would get a bunch out there. I had a couple follows, all small (12" or so) but nothing really hit anything hard. I had to resort to the wacky senko exclusively as well, it was the only thing they would take.
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