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Joined: 11 Apr 2011
Posts: 446
Location: Plainville CT

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:47 pm    Post subject: Stillwater Pond 9-30 Reply with quote

So work hasn't been too busy for me the past week as I'm in between projects so I figured I'd get some fishing in today while I had the weather and the time. I hit the launch at Stillwater Pond at 9 AM. Let me just start off saying it was a long day...

Took a bunch of pictures first since it was incredibly windy...

... Little did I know at the time, that wind persisted until about 3 PM. Incredibly windy and muddy water today. I started throwing a jig, a spinnerbait, and a houdini shad but only when I wasn't paddling, which unfortunately wasn't very often.

I met an "old trout guy" who had a nice 4-5 lb Bass on his stringer at about 10:30 AM. We said hi and continued fishing. I ran into him again at about 1 PM and he had two more just a bit smaller than that one on his stringer. At this point I still had a skunk Sad ... I asked him what he was having luck with and he showed me his 4" stick bait wacky rigged. I substituted my shad for a senko but didn't fish it a lot ( the wind still killing me) Once the wind died down, still skunked I put the senko away and switched the jig out for a brush hog and went back to the spots that I wanted to fish but couldn't because of the wind. I started to get some ticks in about 6 feet of water pitching the hog but wasn't being patient enough. After that first tick, I pulled out and flipped it back in, tick, tick , boom! Its on now! Caught a One-Eyed Larry! Never saw anything like it but he jumped off the hook as I went to lip him. Bummer.

I kept flipping the brushhog and everything kept coming up Tim! Thank God! After almost 7 hours on the water, finally, REDEMPTION! I think I ended up with 6 in the last hour and a half on the brush hog. Let me tell you, the TIGHTLINES UV Brush Hog seems to make a HUGE difference vs. a ZOOM. No offense ZOOM, I still love your baits. Tightlines also makes a bunch of different baits I might try to see if the UV makes that much difference in other applications. I have caught a TON of FISH on these UV HOGs and the BASS ATTACK THEM and LATCH ON!

Check out this one who was barely hooked but was not letting go of the bait! Glad I netted him!

Here's a couple of the fish I flipped up.

Eventually it was a good day on the water @ Stillwater and I got to see evidence of some real nice Hawgs in there Very Happy. I didn't weigh or measure any of the fish today so its tough to say what the days bag would be. My guess <10. Would love to get out there again sometime soon.
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Joined: 07 Dec 2010
Posts: 521

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thats a nice looking place!
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Joined: 06 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm glad that you found them, Tim. if I had seen your Fishing Partners post the night before, I would have joined you out there.
Don't forget to wear sunscreen and don't litter!
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Joined: 11 Apr 2011
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Location: Plainville CT

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll call you next time Phil. It wouldve been nice to have a buddy and an anchor yesterday. I wish I was closer to that area of the state. Not only are there a ton of lakes and ponds in the Litchfield Hills but the majority are very productive as well.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Litchfield County by far is the best for fishing IMO. The water looks great, nice catch!

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Joined: 27 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice job!
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