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Joined: 04 Sep 2011
Posts: 16

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:22 am    Post subject: bass lakes near me Reply with quote

Hey new to this site but i mainly do kayak bass fishing but cant seem to find a good lake near me. I live in newington and ive tried 1860 resivoir and only saw sunfish there. Also tried silver lake many times this year with many different baits and lures and only caught 2 pickerel all summer. I normally go to my buddies house on amston lake but its a little far. Looking for something nearby that i can shoot to after work for a couple hours and catch some good bass. Any insight is appreciated and if anyone wants to meet me at some place they recomend that would be good.[/list]
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Joined: 07 Jun 2011
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Location: Central, CT

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am from Newington too. If you are kayaking there is a bunch of spots you can go because you have more access. I have had a tough time because I have a boat and theres a lot of spots I cant launch from. If you scroll through the fishing reports here there are many places that arent too far away that you can try with a kayak. Spring Pond or even Batterson Park Pond in New Britain.

I am surprised you havent had much luck at Silver Lake. Everytime I have gone I have had luck there compared to some of the other places. People dont usually eat the fish there so theres usually a good population. I recently caught a handful of bass there. Try fishing around the weeds and on top of them.

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Joined: 04 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ive been to batterson before. Where is spring pond? I may try and get out to silver lake again this week i got some new chatterbaits i want to try there
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Joined: 07 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe its in Granby, near the Simsbury Airport/Simsbury Center.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have asked / suggested that when people post where they've gone to post like this : Silver lake / meriden. makes it easy for readers.
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Joined: 27 May 2009
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Location: Granby, CT

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe the 1860 res has had a fish kill which is why you didn't see anything. Spring Pond is in Avon at Fisher Meadows. I think I read something on here that it was closed temporarily because of Irene but I could be wrong. Keeney Cove isn't far from you and holds some nice fish.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Joined: 31 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, smitty. I don't know exactly how far you are willing to go, but hannover pond in Meriden is another place I have had luck with good sized bass and it has allot of shore access incase you are without any kind of boat.

Also, I wanted to mention something called the wacky rigged senko to you, incase you havent tried or heard of it yet. I always start people on a 5" gary yamamoto senko and show them it's most basic way of use, and I have still never seen it fail so long as the lake holds bass. If you have tried it with no luck, I recomend to try again and again. I have seen people who almost never fish, outfish very experienced bass fisherman time and time again by just sticking to that damn senko.

I also recomend you invest in 'CT lakes and ponds fisheries guide", a book that will help you find detailed info on hundreds of CT lakes and ponds!
Am I obsessed, or is it normal to play with my lures every night?
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Joined: 04 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pondhopper wrote:
Hey, smitty. I don't know exactly how far you are willing to go, but hannover pond in Meriden is another place I have had luck with good sized bass and it has allot of shore access incase you are without any kind of boat.

Also, I wanted to mention something called the wacky rigged senko to you, incase you havent tried or heard of it yet. I always start people on a 5" gary yamamoto senko and show them it's most basic way of use, and I have still never seen it fail so long as the lake holds bass. If you have tried it with no luck, I recomend to try again and again. I have seen people who almost never fish, outfish very experienced bass fisherman time and time again by just sticking to that damn senko.

I also recomend you invest in 'CT lakes and ponds fisheries guide", a book that will help you find detailed info on hundreds of CT lakes and ponds!

thanks ive heard of the wacky rigged senko but havent tried it. i do have a kayak. do you have a boat? if you want sometime ill meet you down in meriden and you can show me that rig
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Joined: 22 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm new to the state, so I have no idea where Newington is. I'm moving to Wolcott, so there's a couple resevoirs there you can canoe/kayak in. First is Scoville, look for Woodtick road and you'll find it, it's around 120 acres so decent from the yak. Next is Chesnut Hill Res. Haven't been there yet, but Scoville has some killer structure to fish. We have a bass boat as well as a canoe because many of the lakes here have strange restrictions to them. But welcome to the site and good luck. Oh yeah, on the wacky rig senko, not a big fan, and I've beaten many a senko user in tournys. But they are effective, especially on the smaller ones.
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Joined: 12 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Besek/middlebury... blackpond/meriden, hanover/meriden,whertherfield cove/self explanatory. matabasset river lower end by ct river.alot of fish are hinding out in there cause of ct river highness.... shhhh dont tell no one..lmfao...dang there are alot of places you can go.... your best bet is to self knowedge yourself. see a place look into it. ask someone look for posted signs... check it out.. im tryin to get someone to go to woodbridge with me... not going unless phil goes...
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Joined: 12 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try using this site:


You can toggle between road and birdeye to see where you are going, or type in a town or lake/pond.
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