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Bass Sniper

Joined: 05 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:02 pm    Post subject: Crazy little place Reply with quote

right off exit 36 on 95 take a right right into it, its in a business park, pretty sure you're not spose to fish it but ive never been bothered before(only been there 3 times ever) Anyway, decided to go there lastnight instead of my usual afterwork spot. Small fish jumping out of the water all over the place trying to get away from larger bass, caught about 30 bass in a 3 hour time period, but check out the photo of where I was standing....thats about 15 feet out from shore, no room to manuever, lots of structure to get caught on, well worth it!

Didnt take a lot of pictures cuz I didnt want to lose my phone in the drink.
"Taco flavored Doritos
And my orange life vest
caught a hundred pound sturgeon
On twenty-pound test "
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:36 pm    Post subject: LOL! Reply with quote

I guess that when you see some water and say, "I bet there's fish in there", it really IS true.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice Fish
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The water in front of Home Depot on the Berlin Tpke. looks pretty sweet.

*~ "Not everything about fishing is noble, reasonable and sane..." -Henry Middleton ~*
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kira, we used to fish that many years ago when Home Depot used to be a XXX drive-in. Used to catch nice LMB from there. I never see anyone fish there since it has become Home depot. I think its posted. Plus back in the day it was heavily tree covered to around the drive-in to keep the pervs in or out. Trees helped not to be seen fishing.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TurtleKiss wrote:
The water in front of Home Depot on the Berlin Tpke. looks pretty sweet.

I drove past that the other day and was thinking the same thing.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DirtyDawg10 wrote:
TurtleKiss wrote:
The water in front of Home Depot on the Berlin Tpke. looks pretty sweet.

I drove past that the other day and was thinking the same thing.

I'll research the situation if you drive the getaway vehicle.

*~ "Not everything about fishing is noble, reasonable and sane..." -Henry Middleton ~*
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TurtleKiss wrote:
DirtyDawg10 wrote:
TurtleKiss wrote:
The water in front of Home Depot on the Berlin Tpke. looks pretty sweet.

I drove past that the other day and was thinking the same thing.

I'll research the situation if you drive the getaway vehicle.

lol...sounds good to me. I don't work far from there.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's posted all the way around to stay out...but let us know how you make out!
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Joined: 01 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"The water in front of Home Depot on the Berlin Tpke. looks pretty sweet."

Don't bother, The Berlin cops get ugly about fishing there.

A friend got caught last year.. It cost him $$$$ for a lawyer etc.
Sleep...Eat...Fish!!!!! Then do it all over again.

Last edited by SkeeterRon on Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MarkO wrote:
It's posted all the way around to stay out...but let us know how you make out!

I figured this. What specifically do the signs say? KEEP OUT, NO TRESSPASSING, NO FISHING....?

Does anyone here own/operate a hot air balloon?
Could I cast sufficiently far into the water without jumping the fence? I'm thinking I could roll out a slip n' slide to the water, and when I catch something just use the slide to easily bring the fish to me for unhooking, then give it a fun ride back to the water when I release it.

*~ "Not everything about fishing is noble, reasonable and sane..." -Henry Middleton ~*
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SkeeterRon wrote:
"The water in front of Home Depot on the Berlin Tpke. looks pretty sweet."

Don't bother, The Berlin cops get ugly about fishing there.

I freind got caught last year.. It cost him $$$$ for a lawyer etc.

The Berlin cops know there's bass in there. They're protecting their Lake X.
There's gotta be a loophole.
Ron - if there's signs posted, why was your friend fighting the fine?

*~ "Not everything about fishing is noble, reasonable and sane..." -Henry Middleton ~*
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just happened to be over there yesterday and decided to drive around it and there are about 10 to 15 signs around the perimeter that say "Private Property No Trespassing" ...

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs
Blockin' up the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign

And the sign says "Anybody caught trespassing will be shot on sight"
So I jumped the fence and I yelled at the home depot
Hey! What gives you the right!
To put up a fence and keep me out, or to keep Mother Nature in
If God was here, he'd tell it to your face, man, you're some kind of sinner

...sorry I couldn't resist Very Happy
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Joined: 01 Jun 2007
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Location: Newington, CT

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ron - if there's signs posted, why was your friend fighting the fine?

To get it reduced.
Sleep...Eat...Fish!!!!! Then do it all over again.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DirtyDawg10 wrote:
I just happened to be over there yesterday and decided to drive around it and there are about 10 to 15 signs around the perimeter that say "Private Property No Trespassing" ...

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs
Blockin' up the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign

And the sign says "Anybody caught trespassing will be shot on sight"
So I jumped the fence and I yelled at the home depot
Hey! What gives you the right!
To put up a fence and keep me out, or to keep Mother Nature in
If God was here, he'd tell it to your face, man, you're some kind of sinner

...sorry I couldn't resist Very Happy

Is there a sign that says "Long-haired freaky people need not apply?" I'll bring my own and just point to it when the cops show up. OK new plan...we organize a peaceful protest, circling the water. This should create a diversion long enough for me to get a few casts in.

Great song. I know this is a cover, but I've seen Tesla open for other bands at least 5 times during the 80s/90s, and they do it justice. If you've been living in the dark:



*~ "Not everything about fishing is noble, reasonable and sane..." -Henry Middleton ~*
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