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Joined: 01 Jul 2008
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Location: Wethersfield CT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:07 pm    Post subject: Semi Local Puddle - GREAT SPOT Reply with quote

So my fishing partner and I hit this spot that we hadnt been too since earlier in the season and man am i glad we did..... First fish I caught was a 3.4 lb LMB off a black and white sluggo near the coast! Great start....shortly there after I pulled in a ~1 lber again with the sluggo. Then we started to fish the middle of the pond, my buddy pulled in around 4 or so on the topwater with a rebel POP-R, and I pulled in a couple more cookie cutters with the sluggo. Had a huge hit on the 5-10 ft crankbait that hopped off about 15ft from the canoe....bummer... anyways we decided to hit another shoreline before we headed in and my man hooks into a nice lunker that ran 4.2 lbs. One of his better fish he's caught so he was pretty excited. I'll get the pic of it up soon to share. If it wasnt for all the mosquito's it woulda been our best trip out this year. I woulda stayed till 1 am if the cops didnt close the place up after dark.
- PDcrack
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Almost didnt want to post this picture since every fish Mark catches in here dwarfs any one I've caught hahah nice fish mark. Here's the bigger one from last night.
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Bass Addict

Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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Location: Wethersfield, CT 06109

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice fish. Man, I wanted to fish so bad yesterday but got hung up at work. When you going back to school? I am going to try to go fishing on Thursday at silver lake in meridan. I call you on Wednesday to see if you want to join me. Silver is a fun lake to fish as you can usually catch a lot of bass there. Mostly cookie cutters but I have seen monsters pulled out of there. I'll call you wednesday Crack.

Sorry honey, looks like we will be late again due to motor problems.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miiiight be going to dinner with the Ex on Thurs, we'll see, shes leaving for her last year of school on Friday. If not, i would be up to go. I dont have class until Sept 22, but ill prolly be here or in philly most of the time after my last day of work on the 12th. Either way, give me a call.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done guys!

If your gonna go to the Silver Lake area, if it was me I wouldn't bother to go to that weed choked hole this time of year, I would go to Beseck Lake in Middlefield instead. Better fishing and still close to home. Just my 2 cents.......
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm with Gary (slimecoat) on that one. Went to Silver a few weeks ago and that place is sooooo bad that I have decided to give up on that place until late fall when the weeds die off and that place is one of my favorites! Crying or Very sad Go somewhere else!!
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Bass Addict

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Weeds are good IMO. I was there on last week with my 2 year old and wife and caught 6 bass in less than 30 minutes. I find that place to be more productive when the weeds are in. I usually kill it that last hour and a half of light on the top water.

I don't know if I will ever go back to Beseck. Last time I was there, 2 drunk guys where just parked on the launch not in any rush to pull their boat. They were drinking JD and BSing. I asked them politely to hurry it up which led to a verbal confrontation. They took about 30 minutes to move out of the way. When i got back from fishing, my brand new truck had a slashed tire. Looking back on the situation, I should have KOed both of them and went to another lake. Twisted Evil

As shaddy as the people around Silver are I have never had any problems there.

Crack I will call you. I would be down to fish the river too, although that would probably be a tough fish due to the flooding. The river is really peaceful though.
Sorry honey, looks like we will be late again due to motor problems.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

True Bass Addict that weeds are good. But when you are constantly fighting a losing battle trying to keep your trolling motor prop clear it kind of puts a damper on your fishing fun. In some spots the only way you're going to get there is by using a push pole and we're not talking short distances either. Something definitely needs to get done about weed control there!
Eat, Sleep, Fish......I Love my SKEETER ZX225!!!
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Bass Addict

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They are definitely thick in some spots no doubt. My trolling motor hates that place. Laughing

Will killing the weeds help the fishing? I would think that the combo of adding chemicals to kill the weeds and CO2 released from the dying weeds would actually result in a less viable environment.
Sorry honey, looks like we will be late again due to motor problems.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, killing the weeds won't help the fisherie but what I think Silver needs to achieve is the ideal 'balance". What that is I don't know as I am not in the fisheries field but I read somewhere that water bodies that have too much cover can in effect have a negative impact on the predatory fish such as bass because the forage base has a greater chance of survival thus the bass does not eat. True, bass use the weeds as ambush points but what weeds that can conceal bass also works for the forage base. I don't know about you but I have seen so many bass caught at Silver that have heads the size of 5lbers yet only have a 2 or 3 lb body. Makes me believe that these fish are not eating like they should be. Until someone who knows these things tells me otherwise I'm going to continue to believe that old saying "Sometimes too much of a good thing is not always good". Just my opinion Bass Addict, not trying to turn you off from Silver but just stating what I am seeing there.
Eat, Sleep, Fish......I Love my SKEETER ZX225!!!
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Bass Addict

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Location: Wethersfield, CT 06109

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good post jim. Maybe our resident expert dusty will chime in. He always seems to provide great insight when it comes to the science of fisheries. My knowledge is very limited.

It is amazing how thick the weeds get there in a just a couple of months. If you go there early spring and then return in late July or August - it seems like an entirely different lake between the two seasons.

Crack, sorry we high jacked your thread Crying or Very sad
Sorry honey, looks like we will be late again due to motor problems.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Was that perchance Keeney Cove in E. Hartford?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yea it was heheh.
Nice place, bring your bug spray and watch your depth if you plan on bringin a boat. Also bring a gun to ward off the scummy white bucket bandits that sit there and drink all day.
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Joined: 08 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pdcrack wrote:
Also bring a gun to ward off the scummy white bucket bandits that sit there and drink all day.

Why is that Pete? If they're on shore and your in the middle of the cove they can't possibly get to you! Now if they're flinging their empties at you then that's when it's time they meet Mr. Smith & Wesson! Very Happy
Eat, Sleep, Fish......I Love my SKEETER ZX225!!!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They can wait for you at the shore can they not? And if you dont come in till dark...just be mindfull that theyve been drinking most likely allllll day, so confrontation is probably the worst route.
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