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Bass Addict

Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 1214
Location: Wethersfield, CT 06109

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:23 pm    Post subject: Mill Pond - Wethersfield Reply with quote

I got out of work around 2 and decided to hit a local pond to do some casting. I got a Curado over the winter and wanted to give her a test drive. Mill pond is more of a swamp than a pond - very shallow and muddy - I never caught anything there except for today.

I fished by the dam which is the deepest part of the pond and landed a 2.2 LMB. This was my first fish of the year, first fish on a jig, first fish on the rod and first fish on my new Curado. The fish hit pretty hard and when I set the hook my reel popped out of the reel holder. I was trying to keep the fish on while reattaching the reel - it was challenging but I was lucky to get the reel back on and land the fish. I really got to tape the real so this doesn't happen again. The Curado base is really small and it takes very little pressure to pop it out no matter how tight is.

I need to get a cheapo digital camera so I can post pics.
Sorry honey, looks like we will be late again due to motor problems.

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Joined: 01 Jun 2007
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Location: Newington, CT

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That had to be funny to watch.

However, not a bad first for the rod, reel and pond.

FYI, If you need some Loctite to keep the reel in place give me a call.

Sleep...Eat...Fish!!!!! Then do it all over again.
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Joined: 08 May 2007
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Location: Newington, CT

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice job Bass Addict! Ron I don't think he needs Loctite. I think his problem is the Curados' hard point mounts are a little short for the rod seat and the threaded portion. If that's the case all he can really do is tape it down. That's why it's always good to have the reel or the rod with you when trying to match up components or try out a buddies set-up before buying.
Eat, Sleep, Fish......I Love my SKEETER ZX225!!!
If I didn't have to work for a living....I'd be fishing.
If I'm not in my Skeeter then I'm in my Hobie!
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Joined: 12 Jul 2007
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Location: Vernon

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How did you like the Curado....? I have one but I cant get the pins straightend out for the brake.
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Bass Addict

Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 1214
Location: Wethersfield, CT 06109

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love the Curado. I have a mitchell bait caster that I bought about 6 years ago. I constantly get birds nest on that real. I thought it was just me and my lack of casting ability. Then i got the Curado and have casted it over a 100 times now and never had a tangle. The reel is amazing. I never thought I would be more accurate with a bait caster over a spinning reel but the Curado has made it possible.

Eventually, I am going to pick up two more when I can afford it.

I will check out how I have my break configured. I believe they are all on. I will let you know.
Sorry honey, looks like we will be late again due to motor problems.

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Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 322
Location: Vernon

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow....glad to hear your having good luck with it....I love the real performance wise. It just doesnt love me back..... Laughing
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