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Joined: 02 May 2015
Posts: 13

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 8:35 pm    Post subject: Raystown lake, PA Reply with quote

Drove 7hrs to Legendary Raystown Lake for LMB, SMB and stripers. My uncle went there seven years ago and sent back some awesome pictures.

So we planned a family vacation there at the Raystown resort.

Well, four days and many hours fishing, not one fish. Early morning
, mid-day, even all nighters. Zip, nothing, nada...

Talked with other out of State anglers and they had the same success. One guy managed to catch a 6" SMB in a week.

Come to find out the two years ago they put grass carp in the to control the grass, and the past winter the lake froze over which I'm being told hasn't happened in many many years, it also had a very late ice out.

Since then, no fish. Or very little. The grass carp are everywhere and are huge..., they now hang out the docks getting feed by kids and people. They're as big as 36-48" long and so people friendly. My son picked one up out of the water.

So if your are planning to go bass fishing at Raystown, think twice.

Oh, btw I asked about the charter fishing that was being offered that the marina, I was told they weren't going out this year... Hmmm wonder why...
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