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Joined: 01 Jun 2007
Posts: 1173
Location: Newington, CT

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:39 am    Post subject: Vacation Fish report Reply with quote

On vacation last week, fished every day.

Started last Friday July 3rd, hit the river around Haddam, caught a few nothing to mention. Got caught in the heavy down pour that lasted maybe 30mins.

OMG, that was some crasy stuff, Ran into Just4Fun and JohnnySkeeter on the river, they had about the same luck.

Hit Silver lake most time only cuz I had only a few hours here and there to kill. and my Skeeter was down. Crying or Very sad Caught about 10+ all arounf 1-2lbs, one 4lber.

Went to Scoville twice, I love that place. both days caught 15+ using wacky rigs and jigs. a few 4lbers but most 1-2lbers.

For Sh*ts and Giggles went Carp fishing in Chapman pond. Nothing, NADA, ZIP.. None around, last time I was there with SkeeterJim there was so many of them I could have walked across the water on there backs. Those sucker where around 10-20lbs. Monsters. But this time, nothing.

Hit Rainbow, With all the rain the water wasn't as clear as normal, Only caught a few 2lbers.

Hit the Wetherfield Cove, What a bitch trying to launch, I went deep into the flooded area with the small boat, picking off Bass lying next to the trees. Fliping & Pitchin because of all the trees. It was tight and shallow, but fun.

All in All, Great vacation.

PS, My Minn Kota Trolling motor dead the first day on the water during the rain storm. It fried. Chris at Reynolds looked it over and the control board smoked. It was under warrenty. Replaced the control board twice and still has issues. Minn Kota doesn't know what the problem was so they are shipping my out a new motor.

Reynold Marine has been wonderful in working with Minn Kota on this issue for me..

Thanks Chris and Tom!!!!

Thanks why I went to smaller bodies of water with my Tracker Pro 15.. Sad
Sleep...Eat...Fish!!!!! Then do it all over again.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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Location: Newington, CT.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like a fun week Ron. It's funny though, I don't remember hearing you on my answering machine asking me to go fishing? What's up? Shocked Shocked Shocked Laughing Laughing Rolling Eyes
Life's Short - Fish Hard - Take a Kid Fishing
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Joined: 08 May 2007
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Location: Newington, CT

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

slimecoat wrote:
Sounds like a fun week Ron. It's funny though, I don't remember hearing you on my answering machine asking me to go fishing? What's up? Shocked Shocked Shocked Laughing Laughing Rolling Eyes

That's funny I had the same thought Gary. It's probably because he didn't want to get his a$$ kicked by me again in his own boat! Wink Very Happy
Eat, Sleep, Fish......I Love my SKEETER ZX225!!!
If I didn't have to work for a living....I'd be fishing.
If I'm not in my Skeeter then I'm in my Hobie!
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Joined: 01 Jun 2007
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Location: Newington, CT

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OH SHUT UP THE TWO OF YOU!!!!! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

I went fishing with my son who came up from VA for the week. Since my Trolling motor was being worked on I had to use my Tracker.

Funny, I NEVER get calls from you two... SO Razz
Sleep...Eat...Fish!!!!! Then do it all over again.
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