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Viewing Topic: Mill Pond, Essex.....way beyond my expectations!!
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Joined: 06 May 2012
Posts: 259

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:13 am    Post subject: Mill Pond, Essex.....way beyond my expectations!! Reply with quote

I've had my eye on this spot for a while, but I thought it was difficult access, so I never payed much attention to it. I've casted from a couple spots....but you know how that goes. Took a spin around today in my truck, and on the NW side I found an Essex Land Trust sign "welcome aboard car top launch...please dont trash our pond." I happened to have my boat on top of my truck. It's a beautiful bass environment. Not fished hard, car top only, multi featured. I tried to figure out how to post a google earth image, but I cant get it to go. Starts out from the launch as a wide open 75 or so acre pond. This narrows at the SE end into a small channel with beautiful spots of downed trees from last year's storms.

The trees are new to the water...and easily visible, some like this, and some without bait stealing branches above the water. I donated some bait to the tree gods, which to be honest with you, makes me way more crazy than anything that happens in the ER. Almost all had action. Caught bass on senkos, lizards, and a small black buzz bait. I actually got bored catching multi 1 pounders and switched to a 1/2 oz double willow white spinner. Fish didnt seem to care. This one was about 1 3/4 and the best I did with the larger spinner.

The rest of the water becomes this very fishable riverish area that is deep in the middle, and not quite castable to both sides. It was blowing like snot, so I worked both sides as the wind took me, without much action in the middle portion of the area.. I knew I was missing a ton of good spots, but when your on the paddle...you have to weigh out wind -vs- do I want to circle back. I came up on this wicked looking spot around this corner and loaded up a frog and a carolina rigged lizard on my two rods.

That scrub coming out of the water was about 3 ft deep. If you can see the lower right of the picture, it's very light in color. I have never seen a field of beds like this one was. Empty......but amazing. Huge beds, literally hundereds of them. Picture doesnt do it justice. I know what I'm doing next spring.!!

It's getting a little dark, I'm on the outermost reach of the pond and I'm thinking there's so much left to fish. The latter part has a large island to paddle around. I had some hits on a hollow belly jerk shad, but couldnt close the deal in a nice opening of the water. I think the hook wasnt "loose" enough to set. The gulp shads are pretty stiff if you texas rig them. Every 100 yards is a corner, which I freakin love the mystery of. Huge white egrets in a tree inspecting my proficiency...like six of them. Picture failed. That pissed me off. Next cast was in the tree's with a bait I was quite fond of. Wind shifted...I'm packing it in. I toss out a swimming frog in one rocket launcher and a shad in the other...and paddle for my truck...which seems like a lifetime away at the moment. Heading down wind at a good clip my frog rod doubles over and I 'm pissed I snagged something......then it yanks, yanks ,yanks. Ease it out of the holder and set....FISH ON!!! Drag is zippin out. Not a 2 pounder. I keep a tote full of water to lay the bow down when I'm alone. I also use it as a live well if I need it. Its the white thing up front.

21" and feisty as can be. So full of piss that when trying to weigh it, my scale ended up in the pond. The manner that this happened looked much like a keystone cops movie....so I'll respectfully decline to describe it.

I loaded my boat, and the fish in the tote...jetted off to the ER I work at and asked if the baby scale was clear. Ran inside with a fish in a bag...one minute turn around/ with picture....and got it back to it's home unscathed. I had to know the weight. 4.7lbs Yeah buddy!!! This spot isnt even close to fished!!

I called in before arrival....incoming with approx 8 year old bass, oxygen saturation monitored on pond water, no respiratory distress, alert and oriented to surroundings, in need of weight...photo and quick turn around.

WHAT....you dont have an ER to call when you throw your scale in the water?
Dave..... I can be a pain in the bass.
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Joined: 23 May 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice catch! Just google earth'ed this pond and it looks awesome! My guess is the launch you speak of is off Falls River Rd?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah...about a 1/4 mile up on the right, just past the tube under the road. Hard to spot unless you're looking for it. Just dont tell anyone. the internet is littered with people looking to fish your spots.
Dave..... I can be a pain in the bass.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A trolled frog, huh? I thought TurtleKiss (aka Kira) was the only one who did that. Laughing

Nice fish! Nice find, too. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice job! Good fish!!
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Joined: 28 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great job, nice catch!
"Come after Me, and i will make you to become fishers of men"

Can i be a fisher of fish too?

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice one!
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice bass!
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Joined: 16 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sweet catch you got there! I went out yesterday didn't report yet, but caught 32 bass and left even as they continued to bite...wait till you the picture of my thumbs. Anyways my pond was the same deal I quite possibley could have been the first to fish it. Unfished places rock!
You know it was a good day when your thumb is all scratched up.
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