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Viewing Topic: Latest NW Ice Report! plus UpDate 1/26/10
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Joined: 21 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:23 pm    Post subject: Latest NW Ice Report! plus UpDate 1/26/10 Reply with quote

Hi Guys!

Went out and took a ride around the NW corner at 3:30 this afternoon 1/25/10.

First of all there is 'Obviously" a lot of standing water on all waters.
So determing the extent of melt due to rain and unusual warm temperature is very difficult.
Temp. at start of observation 54 degrees F.

Highland Lake:
Lots of standing water.
Open water edges from 2 to 20 ft. depending on which cove your are looking at..

West Hill Pond:
Lots of standing water.
Open water edge near boat ramp of 3-4 ft.
About 3 to 4 inches of water on top of ice (at the ramp) running pretty good toward the dam.

Park Pond:
Lots of standing water.
No open water edges observed with my binnoculars to the narrows.

Burr Pond:
Lots of standing water.
6 ft open water edge at boat ramp with white ice around the perimeter of pond. And a halo of white ice around the pond out about 15 to 20 ft. from shore.

Winchester Lake:
(This was a surprise!).
Lots of standing water.
No open edges observed anywhere -> Not even the boat ramp!
Only open water was a small pool at the dam outlet!
There was though a halo of white ice extending from shore to 20 - 25 ft out.

No other waters observed due to darkness!

AGAIN Exclamation Hard to determine the extent of ice melt with all the rain and warm temps over the next 2 days Exclamation
It is now 10:30 PM 1/25/10 and air temp. is 41 -> so the melt will continue Exclamation

[b]Bottom Line! -> In my opinion -> The ice is very much in doubt!
Would highly suggest you "STAY OFF ANY ICE ANYWHERE Exclamation " till we get 2-3 days of good cold Wx Exclamation


Best regards,
Capt. US Merchant Marine

UpDate: 1/26/10

Looked at all the same waters as I did yesterday.
Open water edges on all waters now
And all the ice has changed to Milk White
Means the warm rain water is penetrating into the ice.
Not a good sign!
Hopefully the cold Wx expected will firm up the ice!

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Joined: 28 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for taking the time and effort to go, see, and post.
Bite on my line.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2010
Posts: 31

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:43 pm    Post subject: Bad Ice Reply with quote

Thanks for the report Sea Dog. Milky White ice is absolutely the worst. If we get much more warm weather it will start to honeycomb and that will be the end of the ice fishing season. The fog sure didn't help last night either, sucking all the cold out of the ice.

The sun is too strong in February to allow safe freeze over on lakes and ponds that aren't already covered with good ice.

if anyone's heading out in the next few days bring all your safety gear (picks, rope, spud) and stay off the big waters like Candlewood & Highland.

I'm heading to Squantz tomorrow night after work to see how strong the stream is running into the cove on the left side of the beach. I'm guessing the ice will be destroyed for a good distance from shore which makes getting to the prime Walleye spots almost impossible.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2010
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Location: Farmington

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wednesday 1-27 Checked out Black Pond in Meriden this morning on the way to work. It had open edges to about 4' out with slighty milky ice in center. Just in case anyone was wondering about this place. I like to hit it once an ice season.
Its a whole lot more than just being "LUCKY"
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Bluegill Terminator

Joined: 03 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Black Pond is my favorite lake to fish if I am after "wind fish"... Laughing
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