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Joined: 28 Jan 2012
Posts: 3823
Location: Bridgeport

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:20 pm    Post subject: Evening Quicky Reply with quote

Thursday evening my dad and I hit the areas at Seaside I've been hitting. We arrived around 5:30 to find a few other familiar faces there.

As we kept an eye on the water, east and northeast winds were stirring the water up and causing rough current and waves as the tide was going out. High tide for Black Rock was 2:21.

Later is when stripers started busting farther out than they have been. A few of us walked out on the jetty towards the action. Once we get out there, it was very hard to get into the schools due to the winds. 1 guy got lucky to get right on the edge and land a schoolie and lose 1.

Once the had moved out, we headed back to shore to keep an eye on the water. As tide was still going out, I waded out onto the sandy flats. I couldn't go too deep due to the waves and current. Fish started getting active, but it required a 12 footer with a 3 ounce pencil popper.

My dad and I hit the road around 7.
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